Allow 5-7 business days for your order to ship? However, if you choose Priority mail option, UPS, FedEx, or DHL delivery, you can get it within 1-2 business days.
Please contact us immediately at sales@platinumathleticcollections.com once you realize have entered the wrong address. If your package has already shipped out, unfortunately we are unable to assist further, and you will be directed to the shipping company handling your package. So be sure the delivery address is correct before purchase.
Yes, all Platinum Athletic products are shipped out with a tracking number
We accept major credit cards including VISA and Master card, American express, JCB and Discover.
Yes, we do, based on the state of residence in United States you receive the package?
No, currently we are unable to accept orders outside the U.S
Please see return policy section for more details
Yes, we do, see Club membership section for more details?
No, your accrued points belong to you and you are free to apply them to any Platinum Athletic collections product to get discounts. Meeting the points milestone makes you eligible for the upgrade but you still retain the points. Example, if you have accrued 50,000 points, you will automatically be upgraded to Gold member status and will remain a gold member even though you apply all your points for a product discount.
Yes, it is if you remain an elite member. However, if you fall below the respective points for a member category, you will have 2 years (24 months) to accrue the equivalent points to maintain that status, otherwise you will be re-assigned a member category that matches your current points. Example, if you have 104,000 points, you will automatically become a platinum member and can apply your reward points on discounts. However, if your points fall below 100,000 for up to 2 years, you will be removed from platinum status and assigned to the respective member category based on your available points; if more than 50,000 points you will become a gold member and if less than 50,000 points, you will become a silver member.
Yes, we have a flat rate of $5.99 for shipping on any of our brand products. However, Platinum club members are entitled to free shipping on all products while Gold club members are entitled to free shipping after $100 purchase
If you have further questions or need further help, there are three ways to contact us; Use the chat box in the home page or fill out the inquiry form on the contact page or simply send us a message at sales@platinumathleticcollections.com
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